Minimum order one regular bag ($50)
Referal discount $6 off of your next order.
Missed pick-up or missed delivery fee $6 each
New customers get free laundry bags upon delivery of your first order.
First time customer order only, limit one (1) offer, additional quantities to be billed at regular rates.
Bags must be cinched for transport purposes. Bags not cinched will incur a $6.00 additional service fee.
Simplest pricing… Fill it, Cinch it, and Leave it! That’s It! (No wondering how much it weighs and how much it will cost)
Simply No extras… Comforters, quilts, bedspreads, pillows, jackets, coats, etc. If it is machine washable just put it in the bag and cinch it. All for the same low price! Having a hard time fitting the above mentioned items in the bag? We have the solution.